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Peace and Wretched Quiet

Filed under: — jen d @ 11:14 am

The monkey is dead.

Or in a heavy coma, anyway. Thanks to you all for your well-wishes, thoughts and, yes, especially prayers for this weekend. (more…)


3 days left, 2 visitors, and a monkey in a pear tree

Filed under: — jen d @ 12:43 pm

Well, anxiety has found me and has taken up residence around the bulk of my internal organs. He’s sitting on my intestinal tract with his legs wrapped around the top of my stomach, holding on rather tenaciously with one small but powerful fist to the bridge between my lungs – you know, where air likes to go. I’m sure if he took bodily form he would look like a small, slippery, hairless monkey. Occasionally he gnaws on my aorta (the little booger) and laughs.

I attribute this unwanted internal visitor to the arrival of another guest of a not-so-small, slippery, or hairless sort:




Matching Set

Filed under: — jen d @ 10:54 am

Since I seem to be behind the crowd these days on such things, this blog announcement is no doubt superfluous, but I can’t resist. Melita’s phlog renovations are complete. Now more than just Boston pictures, her site boasts an inspired new design and written posts that compliment what she captures on film and fill us in on what else is going on in her and Austin’s life together. I love this couple; they are funny, smart, real, generous, creative, godly, multi-talented and a host of other good things that they’d never claim to be because they are too humble :o) I’m so glad they are part of our Boston church family. Check ‘em out!


He cooks, he cleans, makes babies and blogs…

Filed under: — jen d @ 4:36 pm

Maybe he didn’t tell me because he knew I’d do this, but Austin’s got himself a blog. And it’s a great blog. Apparently it’s been around for a while, but I only heard about it a couple of weeks ago at our Friday Night Bible Study (night of the “coo”-worthy rice crispy treats – awww, bless his heart!) And then I tried to find the thing and couldn’t. Then he commented on my blog, and I nabbed him! Ha! So, I’m doing what he perhaps most wished to avoid and am publically announcing Il Filosofo right here on my front page; not only that, but I am adding a handy link to my sidebar. When Melita finishes her phlog-o-blog renovations, I will have a matching Matzko set, and we can all die happy.

In all seriousness, Austin has a great blog. Check it out. Often. He actually, you know, “like” posts stuff ;o) Oh, and if you haven’t figured it out yet, he and Melita are in need of serious congratualtions and well-wishing. What they’ve got in the oven now puts his festive rice crispy treats to utter shame ;o) If it’s cooing you want, Austin, you WILL get it! (And that is a threat.)


Food for Thought

Filed under: — jen d @ 10:43 am

Since I am obvioulsy finding it difficult to post any amazing, astounding, “really deep” thoughts of my own these days, I’ve decided to exploit other people’s. Here are two bites I came across recently that got me thinking…

For those looking for a spiritual reality check:

“As long as man mistrusts his Creator he will in his anxiety for himself and his goods be unable to do anything in all his service of others but serve himself.”

    -From Christ and Culture by H. Richard Niebuhr, Chapter 5, Section III. “Dualism in Luther and Modern Times”

And for those more literary types looking for kindling:

“If I’m going to set the literary world on fire, the only way to do it is to rub one word against another.”

    -From Crossing to Safety by Wallace Stegner

Buon appetito.

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