boston commoner.
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Filed under: — jen d @ 2:08 pm

I apologize for the wacked-out heading/banner/color scheme/thing. I have no idea what I’m doing. It’s like trying to remove my own thymus gland without knowing what or where a thymus gland is (or what the results of removing it will be). But it’s kind of fun. Trial and error. And at least it’s my own thymus gland, and not somebody else’s, because that would be scarier. All I really wanna do is make my blog look nearly as cool as Kammer’s or Gwen’s (or any number of blogs on bensfriends); they’ve got the thymus removal down pat…


Lost and Found

Filed under: — jen d @ 5:16 pm

About an hour-and-half ago, I received a call from my mother. She said that my brother had never shown up for his after-school program, and that he was therefore ‘among the missing.’ Would I mind driving over to see if the bus had dropped him at home?

She was remarkably calm. I, on the other hand, came very close to having a mental breakdown. Yes, I was slightly hysterical. I admit it. But the Lord kept me together long enough to get me into my driveway, where my brother’s bus was waiting. He was fine. I checked. Twice.

Losing my brother is on my top-3 list of things that I truly believe would crack me. I hate to admit that, because sometimes I feel like saying we can’t handle something is inviting some kind of proofing-time to come to instruct us that we can handle anything, in the Lord. And then I feel guilty for thinking that the Lord works that way. I don’t mind being shown that I can handle anything in Christ, I suppose (easy enough to say, though I don’t wish for such proof); yet, the thing I find troubling is that someone like my brother might suffer in order to teach me a lesson. (more…)

By the Way…

Filed under: — jen d @ 2:17 pm

By the way, thank you Joy, from whose blog I ripped off the idea and the link for a handy clock on my sidebar. I had to have one, especially when I saw they had one that fit my color scheme :o) Check out her blog—it’s full of great writing, interesting photos, and intellectually and spiritually-stimulating discussions!


What Mystical Creature Are You?

Filed under: — jen d @ 9:37 am

Everyone loves a frivilous online quiz. According to this one, I’m like an angel. That said, I probably don’t need to point out the obvious the lack of biblical or even practical accuracy of this particular one, but maybe some of you might be interested to find out your supposed kinship fairies, dragons, or mermaids…

My rather far-fetched results:

ex angel
You’re like an angel. As everyone knows, angels dwell in heaven. They were desribed as shining ones wearing white and the idea that they have wings is believed as well. Guardian angels are the ones that many people think are dead loved ones who try to protect the living friends or family they have on Earth. They usually had blonde hair and maybe brown with flawless appearance and sweet dispositions. They were cheerful, hopefull, selfless, loving, and kind [truncated].

What Mystical Creature Are You? (Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla


An Occasion for Baskets

Filed under: — jen d @ 5:29 pm

So, have you ever had one of those days? As in, a Friday before a long weekend, after a harried week of trying to hold the office together while your boss is away, while simultaneously trying to move into a new apartment in the city and start a new blog?

I know, I know…cry me a river, and what-not. But I promise, I’m not complaining! The week has been full of blessings. Like, waking up in the city, with the sunrise–in a place of one’s own–and contributing to the 7am pulse of the urban morning commute; like the first frost on pumkins, and mugs of tea, and crisp, magenta leaves; like finding out that CSS is not SO scarey, after all; like having visitors peek at my blog. I love it when you visit my blog :o)

So how can I complain?

Still, it is a Friday before a long weekend, after a long week. And in just 4 minutes, I’ll be free! Free! Free to buy paint and area rugs and silverware for my new place! Free to go to Friday night Bible study and expand my mind and spirit! Free to put a basket on my head and do a jolly jig! Like these two!

Chiara Z
Luisa Z

That’s how Chiara and Luisa, my two German charges from my days as an Au Pair in DE, celebrate time off.
So, how do you unwind?

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