I Didn’t Miss a Thing
What I’m about to tell you is scarcely intended to boast of anything. I say and do enough stupid things in a week to know that I am not an unusually bright or intelligent person (note: I’m not begging compliments, either). But, for reasons yet unknown, I graduated second in my class at my public high school, received a book award from Brown University, and all in all had at least a decent shot of getting into one of these high-brow north-eastern institutions of supposedly higher learning. I didn’t go. I’m not saying it would have made me a heathen if I had opted to go; nor am I denegrating by any means people who opt to attend secular universities. In fact, a Christian who is strong in both faith and intellect might do a world of good at a secular, liberal university. Think, “Salt” and “Light.” Someone firmly grounded in Scripture and properly motivated by the love of the gospel message will certainly face some difficulty and opposition in a very leftist academic environment, but will probably come out the other end with even more faith and understanding, not to mention a prestigious degree which he in turn can use to further glorify the Lord. (more…)