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My Pastor’s mission recently sent out this note in response to those wishing to donate relief to tsunami victims through a reliable agency. I thought I’d share the opportunity with you:

To the Baptist Mid-Missions Mission family and supporters:

The following information is concerning the needs in Asia due to the recent tsunami disaster. We have received numerous inquiries about our intended response. This is an official and urgent communication that we ask you to forward to your supporters and churches.




Since 12/26/04 the attention of the entire world has been focused on the Pacific Rim. A devastating loss of life and destruction of propertywas experienced by the region, both in the earthquake and the tsunamiwaves that followed. It is now known that the efforts needed for relief in this area will take years, not weeks. The people of the region have current severe needs for food, medicine, water, clothing and shelter. The prospect that millions will face virulent disease in the next weeks is heart wrenching. Baptist Mid-Missions has personnel serving in several of the affected countries and throughout the region. The task is mammoth. One of our missionaries is already a part of a medical team to Sri Lanka. We are currently investigating the opportunities for medical teams to go to the affected region within the next several weeks. Our initial focus for aid will be where our resident personnel can facilitate the process. BMM’s World Relief Fund is used to provide aid for this type of crisis. BMM’s World Relief Fund combines Gospel ministry with meeting of immediate needs. Donors can expect the full amount of any donation to be used for relief efforts. No fees are deducted for the administration of the Fund in BMM’s Home Office. We have already allocated $10,000 for medicines and supplies to aid those in need, and will advance more as needs are assessed and prioritized. Additional funds are needed. Over the next weeks the BMM website will carry updated information and descriptions of potential service opportunities. Any gifts should be sent to:

BMM – World Relief – Tsunami
Baptist Mid-Missions
PO Box 308011
Cleveland, OH 44130-8011

Gifts can be sent by mail or via our website through credit card or bank draft. Our website address is World relief inquiries can be directed to Mr. Larry Beckman, World Relief Fund administrator, at BMM’s ability to respond to an event such as this is dependent upon the generous giving of God’s people. It would be our delight to serve you by conveying contributions, large or small, of your church and your family. Gifts will help alleviate suffering now and will help rebuild churches and homes later on. Thank you for letting us facilitate your giving. We know that your prayers will accompany these efforts. We deeply appreciate your help at this time.

Yours for the Sake of the Gospel!

Dr. Gary L. Anderson, President – Jude 22
Baptist Mid-Missions

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