Okay, just some quick alerts and apologies with which to start off the month:
1) ALERT: Her name is Sherry Dubois. Maybe you know her? She’s one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met, particularly gifted in the area of foreign languages, administrations in general, and making me crack up ALL THE TIME :o) In the side-splitting sense, of course. I know her as Olga des Waldes, ex-german-class buddy extraordinaire, but she wears many hats — ‘Blogger’ being the latest addition to her cap collection. Check out her thoughts here. I think you might need to register to post a comment, but it only takes a second; I promise you, Olga will NOT let you down! She doesn’t know the meaning of the word entaeuscht.
2)APOLOGY: I was offline all weekend and utterly appalled at the number of spam comments that wormed their way into my blog while I was gone. I updated my “spam words” list and hopefully that will take care of the immediate problem. I’m aware that any of you who posted previously probably received those ads in your inboxes, and I’m mortified. Thankfully, this particular spam wasn’t vulgar, just ittitating; in either case, I do want you to know that I’m working on making this blog as spam-proof as possible. I hope this episode doesn’t dicourage your commenting in the future!
That’s it for now! Enjoy your Erste November!