boston commoner.
welcome home



Filed under: — jen d @ 1:32 pm

Last year at this time, I was just returning to Hamburg, Germany, after spending 3 months in Salzburg, Austria. I was lamenting the fact that I’d somehow managed to corrupt my digital camera’s memory card and lose almost all of the videos and photos I’d captured of the beautiful Salzburg ‘Altstadt’ (the old part of the city). I had nothing to show my friends and family, save a few touristy postcards I’d managed to buy at the train station before leaving. Justslightly disappointing…

Weeks after my return to the States last October, I decided to fiddle with that memory card with the aid of my computer to see if anything could be salvaged. Several attempts proved futile, but I tried one last time. I opened the card file and clicked randomly on a series of folders, all bearing tech-y labels I didn’t understand. I was sure that whatever had happened to the card, I was only making it worse. And then, suddenly,a series of thumbnails appeared. Thumbnails of Salzburg photos! Photos I’d spent hours in the chilly rain trying to capture! They weren’t all there, but my favorite—my absolute, all-time, I-can’t-believe-I-had-anything-to-do-with-that favorite—photo was finally within my grasp.

I thought I’d share. It evokes a certain mood, doesn’t it?
my favorite Salzburg pic


Person or Plan?

Filed under: — jen d @ 1:55 pm

I found this note in the margin of my Bible yeterday as I was reading through the beginning of the book of Romans:

“The Gospel: the WORD Incarnate. We introduce a person, not a plan. We should talk about Him, not us or what we need to do. (Bixby*)”

And, no, this is NOT an endorsement of a “let go and let God” philosophy… (more…)

Moving In

Filed under: — jen d @ 10:47 am

This is what happens when you lease a new apartment and start a blog in the same week: you have trouble moving into both of them, and hope no one sees either one! At least, not until you have a chance to clean them up and make them your own. That said, this blog is in far better shape than said new apartment, and if you insist on visiting one or the other, you’ve made a good choice by coming here. Nonetheless, I apologize for the general lack of content at the moment, and hope that by the next time you stumble onto my doorstep, I have a little more to offer you. Until then, enjoy what’s here!

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