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Conservative Terrorism?

Filed under: — jen d @ 1:01 pm

Well, I have to hand it to Kerry. He had the opportunity, under law, to drag this thing out for another 11 days, despite the fact that a win was, apparently, a mathematical impossibility by earlier this morning. But he spared us all this horrible fate, wrapping things up with a simple phone call. It’s kind funny? horribly sad?…to hear what some of his disappointed supporters have to say about things now. And I don’t mean that to sound remotely vindictive. But, for example, one news clip just revealed a Boston woman’s deep thoughts and political analysis on the election outcome:

“I’m..I’m sad, because…because…I wanted Kerry to win, and I mean…well, I think we’re held hostage by conservative terrorists, in my opinion…”

Ummm… My guess is that she was one of the democratic supporters vehemently advocating that America set aside its electoral college system and elect by popular vote this time. She was probably sure that if we did so, Bush would lose (he would have in 2000, apparently, had overall popular vote been the standard for election). But Bush WON the popular vote this year. Indisputably. So my question is, who are these conservative terrorists??? It seems that the election was fair, and that President Bush won, either way, justly; while the election was very close, “democracy” has declared itself a winner.

I’m sure she considers President Bush a conservative terrorist. It’s stupid, but expected. What really sort of gets to me is that she seems to think that anyone who excersized his right to vote–for WHOMEVER he saw fit to be president–earned the label of “terrorist,” as well. I take offense. Is this wrong? Am I being overly sensative? Maybe she doesn’t see me as a terrorist; maybe she sees me as just another “hostage,” intimidated into voting for the conservative candidate.

But it seems to me, at least on the streets of Boston, that intimidation came anywhere BUT from the conservative side. Try walking down the street and admitting to one of Kerry’s campaigners that, no, you’d rather NOT sign that piece of paper that would help overturn the conservative administration…because you support, if tentatively, the conservative administration… See what kind of looks, sneers, and jeers you get. The disdain is tangible, the hatred instantaneous.

Or, review the media in the past few months, and the blatantly false and biased reporting that was aired as fact, designed to dicredit the president and, undoubtably, get Kerry into office by hook or by crook. One radio commentator stated this morning that he had gotten sick and tired of the media’s clear bias in Kerry’s favor, saying that it was “so apparent that it was transparent, and [he was] so glad it backfired.” I can’t say I disagree. And I was truley surprised to hear this on a Boston radio network. I appreciate his honesty.

Or, talk to the people in Florida who got erroneous phone calls from those trying to confuse the democratic process by calling up voters on election day, impersonating people with authority, and purposefully misdirecting voters by telling them that they weren’t registered (they were), or that they should report to other voting precincts (they shouldn’t have).

Or, how about the people who were caught on camera physically and verbally harrassed people gathering for Bush rallies? Or trespassing people’s personal property to steal or destroyed Bush/Cheney campaign signs in an effeort to…oh, I don’t know…manipulate? Intimidate? I must concede that there was likely some reciprocation coming from Bush supporters. It’s not really the point. The point is that if Kerry supporters are going to continue tossing around loose, unjust, slanderous terms like “conservative terrorist,” they will continue to discredit their own cause.

My big question to this woman, and to others who share her opinion, is this: what is your solution to this so-called conservative terrorism? If popular vote wouldn’t win it for you, after all, what’s your final alternative? If you’re uncomfortable labeling your opponents as you did, I’m afraid to know what your solution would be. If the democratic process didn’t concur with your opinion, it must be faulty…right?

The only solution to that kind of thinking is…well, I’d rather not say. Why ruin the day?

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